This is not my first time creating and operating a blog. From a juvenile Tumblr dedicated to a certain British boy band, to a failed attempt at becoming a fashion guru, to a Blogspot about my study abroad in Paris that was quickly abandoned because I simply didn't have time, I'm an experience blogger.
Since I turn twenty in about two months, I decided it was time for a grown-up blogs. I know my twenties are going to be a time I want to remember, plus I take an unhealthy amount of iPhone pictures of my daily attempts and adventures.
Living on my own for the first time, I've learned a lot about myself and the world around me. I learned that I'm not a very good cook, DIY is the way to go, I can't be trusted with a credit card, and that I want to see every inch of this planet. Some days I want to pack my bags and move to Paris, and others I want a four bedroom home by the coast and a corgi. I'm an International Affairs and Romance Languages major - a fitting field of study for my admiration for the world and its people - and, as much as I love my Southern roots, you better believe I won't be staying in one place long.
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